Sweet Bouquets Florist
Flowers for all occasions. We Deliver in and around Asheville
Same-Day Delivery Available...
Asheville, Arden, Hendersonville and surrounding areas.
2120 Hendersonville Rd
(828) 215-8105
Hours: Mon - Fri: 9:30AM - 5PM, Sat: 9:30AM - 12PM,
Sun: Closed/except funeral work


Located in Arden, NC. No matter what the occasion, flowers always seem to make it brighter.
At Sweet Bouquets Florist, we provide a diverse assortment of floral and gift items.
Choose from our most popular items or describe your ideas to our floral designers and they'll create a unique basket or arrangement just for you! No extra charge.
We Carry a Variety of Choices:
- Roses
- Tropical/Exotic Flowers
- Blooming Gifts
- Plants
- Gourmet Baskets
- Corporate Gifts
- Balloon Bouquets
- Sympathy/Funeral
- Wedding Flowers
- And so much more
Family owned and operated for more than 30 years!! 100%guaranteed.
Call 828-684-0810 or stop by today! Any questions? Email us at sweetbouquetsflorist@gmail.com
Hours: Mon - Fri: 9AM - 5PM, Sat: 9:30AM - 12PM,
Sun: Closed/except funeral work